Giving Dogs the Lives They Deserve



Dear Barking Lot,

We adopted Tasha in December, and I wanted to send a follow-up to you all to let you know how she’s doing in our home…

My husband had some trepidation about adopting her as she clearly has pit bull in her lineage.  He has had a fear of this breed for many years, as they have gotten much bad press as a result of people using them as fighting animals.  While I will admit that her 65 pounds belies how strong she really is, she has become one of the sweetest dogs I’ve ever had.  She loves to curl up in her bed with a blanket over her and be near us.  She is extremely well behaved with people and other dogs, even playing with little Whippets and Chihuahuas at Dog Beach.  It is a terribly sad thing that the shelters have so many pit bulls as a result of people misusing them, and the resultant public perception.  

As she had not been socialized with cats, it has taken some time to get them used to each other, but things are becoming much better as she has learned that ignoring them is the best strategy (thank you Nancy for your suggestions).  With a little investment in obedience training , we’ve found her to be among the smartest and most affectionate pets we’ve ever had.  Thank you for taking the time with us to find just the right match.

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